The City of Dayton City Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month at the Dayton Community and Meeting Center, 625 2nd Ave, Dayton, Ky. 41074. In addition, the Council will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month as needed. Check out our Event Calendar to see when the next meeting is being held. Meetings are live-streamed on City of Dayton YouTube page.

Minutes and Agendas

DateMeeting Type / NotesAgendaMinutes
(City Council Minutes
are not available to
the public until they
have been approved
at the following meeting.)
LegislationDepartment Reports
January 16, 2024Regular AgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
February 20, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
March 5, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
April 16, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
May 21, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
June 4, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
June 25, 2024SpecialAgendaMinutesLegislationNo Department Reports at this Special Called Meeting
July 9, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
August 13, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
September 10, 2024
Regular - This meeting includes
a Public Hearing for
Property Tax Rate
AgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
October 8, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
November 12, 2024RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
December 10, 2024Regular - This meeting includes
a Public Hearing on
Franchise Agreements
for the Provision of
Cable Communication
Systems and Electric
and Natural Gas within
the City of Dayton, Ky.
AgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
January 14, 2025RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
February 11, 2025RegularAgendaMinutesLegislationDepartment Reports
March 11, 2025RegularAgendaDepartment Reports
April 8, 2025Regular

Need to address Council?

City Council Members

Location of Meetings

Dayton Community and Meeting Center

625 2nd Avenue, Dayton, Ky 41074