Welcome to the City of Dayton! Whether you have chosen to live in Dayton, Kentucky, operate your business here, or simply want to visit our community, we welcome you with open arms. Residents can obtain more specific information about living in Dayton on our Residents Page. Businesses can obtain more specific information about operating a business in the city, including available incentives for locating a business in our city, on our Business Page. And visitors can learn more about our city, its parks, dining and entertainment venues, and other information on our Visitors Page.
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below may help to answer common questions you may have about our city:
Government Services:
How do I contact Police and FireEMS Departments?
- For emergencies, call 911
- For non-emergencies, call 859-292-3622 for police and 859-261-0082 for fire.
How do I register to vote in Kentucky?
What public schools are available in Dayton?
The Dayton Independent School District operates the following schools and programs in Dayton:
- Dayton Daycare Center (for staff, students, and the community), 999 Vine Street, Dayton, Ky. • 859-292-7485 (Heather Kiefer)
- Dayton Early Childhood Program, 5th Avenue and Greendevil Lane, Dayton, Ky • 859-
292-7492 (Nicole Ponting)
- Lincoln Elementary School, 5th Avenue and Greendevil Lane, Dayton, Ky • 859-292-7492
- Dayton High School, 200 Greendevil Lane, Dayton, Ky. • 859-292-7486
- For more information about our schools, contact the Dayton School Administration Offices at 200 Clay Street, Dayton, Ky. • 859-491-6565
How do I get a Kentucky Driver’s License:
How do I register my vehicle in Kentucky?
How do we get married in Kentucky?
How do I contact Campbell County Animal Control?
How do I contact the Campbell County Animal Shelter?
How do I get a building or fence permit?
How do I get a permit for a garage/yard sale?
How do I get a permit for a dumpster or portable storage unit?
How do I report an issue to Dayton Code Enforcement?
Utilities & Services:
Who do I contact for telephone, cable, and internet service?
Who do I contact for gas and electric Service?
Who do I contact for public water service?
Who do I contact for sanitary sewer service?
Who do I contact regarding trash collection or recycling services?
What day will my trash be picked up?